J. 卢克伍德



J. 卢克伍德 is the 总统 for 萨克拉门托州. Prior to this appointment, he was the Vice 总统 for Student Affairs & Campus Diversity and Chief Diversity Officer at San Diego State University (SDSU). Wood was also the Dean’s Distinguished Professor of Education and a tenured full Professor in the Department of Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education (ARPE) at SDSU. According to the Black in the Crimson in Black, Wood is the first and only Distinguished Professor of Black/African American descent in SDSU’s history. In 2023, Wood was appointed by the state Senate to serve on the newly established California Racial Equity Commission. He joined SDSU in 2011 and is an active researcher and equity-driven leader.

以副总统的身份, Wood oversaw a Division of nearly 500 professional staff and 2,000 student staff designed to provide co-curricular experiences to students and advance equity and inclusion for students, 教师, 和SDSU的员工. Wood led an operating budget of $46 million with 55 departments in Student Affairs (e.g., 学生健康, 咨询, 学生宿舍, 学生生活, 金融援助, 文化中心, Fraternity and Sorority Life) and Campus Diversity (e.g., 教师 and staff professional learning, 员工资源组, 教师inclusion-hiring, 一般建议). In 2021-2022, his Division secured more than $12 million in philanthropic and sponsorship funding to support critical student and 教师 initiatives. Prior to becoming Chief Diversity Officer and Cabinet member in 2018, Wood served as the Director of the Joint Ph.D. Program in Education between SDSU and Claremont Graduate University (2016-2018) and Director of the Ed.D. Program in Community College Leadership at SDSU (2013-2018). Before this, Wood was the Director of the Executive Ed.D. Program at Lincoln Memorial University and Coordinator of the Arizona Education Policy Fellowship Program (AZ-EPFP).

作为一位杰出的教授, Wood serves as the Co-Director of the Community College Equity Assessment Lab (CCEAL), a national research and practice center that partners with community colleges to support their capacity in advancing outcomes for underserved students of color. 通过CCEAL, Wood has served as an advisor and consultant to hundreds of colleges and university leaders on strategic planning, 公平和多元化规划, 多样性危机管理, 公平的雇佣行为, and reducing equity gaps for students of color. Wood is also the Founding Professor of the Black Minds Matter public course and virtual series. The series features leading educators and activists who draw parallels between the experiences of Black lives in policing and Black minds in schooling. The most recent series had over 30,000 learners from across the nation.

Wood’s research focuses on racial equity in education with a specific focus on early childhood education and community colleges. In particular, his research examines contributors to positive outcomes for boys and men of color.  Dr. Wood has delivered over 2,000 scholarly professional and conference presentations. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)对他的研究进行了专题报道, 纽约时报, 高等教育编年史, 赫芬顿邮报, 《十大网投官方入口》杂志, 洛杉矶时报, 迈阿密先驱报, 旧金山纪事报, c - span, 和全国记者俱乐部. Dr. Wood has authored over 180 publications, including 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and 16 books. Wood is ranked by Education Week as one of the top 50 scholars and public influencers in the field of education.

Wood is the co-sponsor of AB740 along with the Children’s Advocacy Institute. This law was authored by Assembly member McCarty and based on Wood’s research. AB 740 requires school officials to contact a foster child’s court appointed attorney and social worker prior to suspensions. Wood also serves as an advisory board member for Promises2Kids, a non-profit organization that provides over 3,000 current and former foster youth in San Diego County with the tools, 机会, and guidance they need to grow into healthy, 快乐成功的成年人. His passion for foster children and youth is informed by his own experience as a former foster child and transracial adoptee who was raised in a large foster home.

Dr. Wood is a former recipient of the Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Fellowship from which he served as research fellow at the Stanford Institute for 高等教育 Research (SIHER), 斯坦福大学. Wood received his PhD in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies with an emphasis in 高等教育 and master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education from Arizona State University (ASU). He also holds a master’s degree in 高等教育 Leadership with a concentration in Student Affairs and a bachelor’s degree in Black History and Politics from California State University, 萨克拉门托. Luke is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. He is a father of three children and husband to Dr. Idara埃辛.